Supplier Dress, Grooming, and Conduct Guidelines
The dress, grooming, and conduct of The Save Mart Companies suppliers contribute to our customers’ perception of our company.
Suppliers and vendors are asked to adhere to our
Business Code of Conduct.
We also ask our suppliers to adhere to the following guidelines:
Name Badges
- Supplier-provided name badges to be worn and visible to customers and associates while on store premises.
Embroidered names may substitute name badges.
- Clothing may not display any writing or decals, other than company logo.
Dress and Grooming
Supplier dress and grooming is to be compliant with their company dress and grooming standards.
Suppliers are expected to adhere to safety rules as designated by The Save Mart Companies and its individual brokers.
The following safety practices help ensure a safe working environment for suppliers and store staff and helps provide a safe shopping
experience for our customers.
These safety practices include, but are not limited to:
- No standing on crates, pallets, or other materials intended for shipping or storage.
Step stools or other OSHA-approved apparatus must be used to reach overhead items.
- Floors must be kept clean from debris and liquids, and aisles must be clear and accessible to customers at all times.
- Suppliers must use proper lifting techniques, lifting with the legs and not the back.
- Suppliers must request assistance from store management to lift heavy or oversized items.
- Suppliers must use caution when using tools and cutting instruments.
- Suppliers will be polite and courteous to customers and store personnel at all times.
- Suppliers will not use profanity at any time while on The Save Mart Companies premises.
- Suppliers will not eat or drink while on duty on The Save Mart Companies premises.
Meals may be eaten in designated areas during approved break times.
- Merchandise taken from the shelf for personal use or consumption must be accompanied by a receipt. No exceptions.
- The use of personal cell phones while on duty is not permitted.
Suppliers may use their personal devices during approved break times.